2019's basket social was a huge success! Thanks to all who attended on April 7th from Noon to 3:30 pm. Our annual Basket Social this year was held at the Blue Mountain Fish & Game club hall at 4190 Wood Drive in Lehigh Township. Single sheet of tickets for $5 and 3 sheets for $10 plus door prize ticket on each sheet.
Lots of great baskets, premium items and gift cards including Dorney Park tickets and Iron Pigs ticket vouchers. Door prize and 50/50 drawing. BMFG kitchen will be selling turkey bbq, hot dogs, hamburgers and french fries along with beverages. LTHS will have baked goods for sale to satisfy your sweet tooth. |
Cub Pack 62 visits St. Paul's SchoolhouseOn Saturday, May 12, 2018, several boys from Cub Pack 62 along with parents and leaders visited the St. Paul's One-Room Schoolhouse in Indianland. During their visit they explored the old items found in the school and talked about what going to school 100 years ago would have been like. They completed the scavenger hunt form to search for certain items. When they first walked into the "past", the first word heard was "Whoa!" They were quite amazed!
Our first attempt at a new fundraiser was well received by those who attended, but the turnout was not what we had hoped for. Too many other events were going on the same day, so numbers were down. Maybe next year.
We thank Barry Haydt of Indian Creek Fishing Farm for suggesting and sponsoring this event. We also thank the Lehigh Township Lions Club, Silfies Fuel, and David L. Hess Concrete for sponsoring prizes for the day. The largest fish caught during the day is shown here weighed in just under 6 pounds. Not only did he get to keep the fish but also won new rod and reel combo prize. Take a look at that fish!! Our youngest winner, Riley, won her own fishing pole by guessing the correct number of gummy worms in a container. She is pictured here with a fish she caught. |
Welcome Signs seen around township: You may have noticed several new signs around Lehigh Township showing the Historical Centre and St. Paul’s Schoolhouse. These informative signs were created to raise awareness of these landmarks maintained by the Lehigh Township Historical Society and are located at places approved by the Lehigh Township Supervisors. There are a total of 12 signs, one by the St. Paul’s Schoolhouse, one next to the Historical Centre and the rest are along several main roads were one enters into Lehigh Township.
We are extremely grateful to the sponsors whose donations covered the cost of these beautiful signs designed and made by Scribbles and Drips in Laury’s Station. These signs provide visitors with the Society’s phone number so they can contact us for tours. This is just another of many ways we are reaching out to keep township residents and visitors informed. |