2016 St. Paul's Schoolhouse Open House
On August 6, 2016 we welcomed the public for tours of the schoolhouse and enjoyed the entertainment of Fritz and Belva Williams of Palmerton who played musical selections on various unusual and antique instruments such as an ocarina, recorder, autoharp and a folk harp. Refreshments including PA Dutch sugar cookies and Shoo-Fly Pie were served to celebrate our PA Dutch heritage. A good time was had by all.
St. Paul's Schoolhouse 150th Anniversary Celebration 1865-2015
Pa State Rep. Julie Harhart presented a citation about this landmark anniversary. We celebrated with cake and goodies!
Since the school was built at the end of the Civil War, it was fitting to learn about that event with Civil War reenactors
"Doc" LaMar Peters, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Langley.
"Doc" LaMar Peters, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Langley.
Our visitors enjoyed learning about Civil War era medical practices, weaponry, uniforms and laundry practices.
More photos will be added, come back again.
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