L-R: David Miller, Kenneth Marsh, Sarah Pagotto (front), Wilson Putt, Beverly Putt, Nancy Miller. Life Member not in photo is William Leickel.
The LTHS Board of Directors designated David and Nancy Miller as our two newest Life Members. All of those pictured above except for Sarah Pagotto are no longer active members of the Board. They still contribute to our activities when able and available. On December 13th, the Society’s Board of Directors held a small luncheon at the Historical Centre to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Society and to honor our current Life Members: Kenneth Marsh as well as Beverly and Wilson Putt. We also welcomed our two newest Life Members: David and Nancy Miller, pictured below with our current President Sarah Pagotto. David and Nancy were members since 2006 and both had been Directors. Nancy helped with many fundraisers and David gave many hours working on building maintenance at the Centre and the St. Paul’s Schoolhouse buildings. Beverly and Wilson, both founding members, were designated Life Members in 2017 after serving more that 15 years each as Secretary and Treasurer. Kenny was a past President and Director and was a member since 2001 and also was the ‘Jack of All Trades’. Sarah Pagotto is also a founding member of the Society.